Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weekend Trip: Reims

First things first: "Reims" is pronounced as if it were spelled "Rince." Don't ask me why, something about the old French language and ancient French cities and the French people having problems accepting change, etc etc.

Last weekend I took a trip to Reims with Yirah, Katie, and Marie. Reims is a fairly large city in the Champagne region, not too far from Saint-Quentin. It has an impressive cathedral where all of France's kings were crowned, which is cool. We visited the cathedral as well as the Palais du Tau, which houses some of the "cathedral treasures" in a lovely palace converted into a museum. We also stopped by the Basilica museum, and finished off our stay with a tour of some historical champagne caves and a champagne tasting. It was quite delicious.

~ Reims Cathedral ~

~ Inside the cathedral ~

~ Impressive stonework in the Palais du Tau ~

~ Some of the cathedral treasure ~

~ Perfect sunset shot down the Reims tramway ~

~ Followed by moonrise ~

~ Historical champagne cave! ~

~ Basilica ~

~ Basilica museum courtyard ~

~ Inside the Basilica museum ~

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