Thursday, February 20, 2014

Vacances d'Hiver

I have a ridiculously busy plan for winter break, which starts this weekend. I think I'm subconsciously freaking out that I'm going home fairly soon, so I'm trying to squeeze as much as I can into the time that's left (okay, so I might be consciously freaking out). I have four main events planned for my break.

1. Berlin: My vacation starts with a trip to Berlin, where I'll meet Harry for the weekend. I'm excited for my first real trip to Germany (unless you count my quick jaunt over the Rhine River when I was in Strasbourg), and also to see my brother after more than 5 months!

2. Saint-Quentin: After Berlin I'm coming back to Saint-Quentin for a week, where I'll work at a vacation session for high schoolers doing extra review for their final exams. It's only a few hours a day, so I'll have plenty of time to prepare for the third part of my break...

3. Rome: Rome, where I'll spend a few days with Haidee and Sarah. We're going to be there during Mardi Gras which should be fun.

4. Casablanca: I'm flying straight from Rome to Casablanca, my last trip of the break! I'm meeting Madeleine and her sister there for the final weekend of vacation.

*map from Google

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