Thursday, February 27, 2014

Berlin: Monuments, Museums, and Everything Else

My favorite site in Berlin was the East Side Gallery, but Harry and I saw a lot of other interesting things during our visit.  The Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, and the Holocaust Memorial were all near our hotel and very impressive. We also stopped by the Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz, which contains a large array of shiny modern buildings filled with offices, movie theaters, malls, and chic restaurants.

The Charlottenburg Palace was another cool site, featuring amazingly decorated rooms (the porcelain room was especially impressive). Our final stop during the trip was Berlin's Museum Island, where we visited several museums and saw an impressive variety of ancient artifacts.

~ At the Reichstag and Brandenburg Gate ~

~ Charlottenburg Palace ~

~ Staircase inside the palace ~

~ Fun scarf displays on the main shopping street ~

~ Potsdamer Platz, near our hotel ~

~  Holocaust Memorial ~

~ Islamic art ~

~ Islamic art ~

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