Monday, January 20, 2014

Subterranean Tour of S-Q

This post is a bit delayed, but here we go. One of the last things I did in December before vacation was a tour of the Saint-Quentin underground tunnels. I've now seen the subterranean of three French cities (Saint-Quentin, Laon, and Paris) and zero American cities, but I don't know if this sort of thing really exists in the U.S....

Anyway, it was pretty cool to see the network of caves, rooms, and corridors under the city's downtown streets. The underground spaces were used for storage, transport, and even prisons in the middle ages, and more recently during the world wars.

~ Secret entrance to the underground tunnels is revealed ~

~ Well-lit staircase going down ~

~ Creepy staircase going up (we didn't take this one) ~

~ Underground corridors ~

~ Centuries-old graffiti from a chamber once used as a prison ~

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