Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saint-Quentin Check In

I haven't posted updates about Saint-Quentin in a while... because, as far as I can tell, the city doesn't offer new things to do very often. Still, I've taken a few pictures and recorded some new Saint-Quentin moments since the holidays, and here are some of my favorite images from January in S-Q.

I took these sunset pictures from a bridge over the train station and canal. I'm usually inside making dinner at sunset, so it was a nice treat to get a wide view of the sky at such a pretty moment. I was on the way to see "Frozen" with Sarah, Swenja, and Alex (In France it's called "La Reine des Neiges" -- The Snow Queen -- and it was amazing. I highly recommend it).

This was taken during one of the weekly French Conversation Club gatherings. As a special treat, Francine (who hosts the club) served a galette des rois (king cake), which is associated with Epiphany but is really about eating a delicious apple tart. There's a small object, called a feve, baked in the tart (a bean, small plastic figure, etc), and whoever gets the piece with the feve gets to wear a crown and be called king or queen. My piece had the feve, so here I am with my superhero crown (the galette was superhero themed--the feve was a porcelain Batman sign).

I've been tutoring a French woman, Daniele, for a few months, and a few weeks ago she invited me to see her town (she lives in a village outside of Saint-Quentin). We had a lovely afternoon, including picking apples from Daniele's apple trees and walking along one of the canals that feeds into the larger Saint-Quentin canal.

And this is the apple tart I made with all the apples from Daniele! It was quite delicious.

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