Monday, January 20, 2014

Paris Visit #3

This weekend I took another day trip to Paris with some friends from Saint-Quentin. We amazingly had decent weather--not bitterly cold, no rain, and even a few sunny moments (a real accomplishment for northern France in January). The day was fun: we did some touristy things, lots of walking, and of course had a decent French lunch in the middle. We started at the Paris Catacombs, which were alternately cool and eerie. After lunch, we took a stroll past Notre Dame and the Centre Pompidou, and later stopped by the Eiffel Tower for a quick photo op. We ended the day by climbing the Arc de Triomphe (so. many. stairs.). Despite the physical exertions required, climbing the Arc was worth it: we timed it perfectly so that we could watch the sun set over the entire city.

~ Paris Catacombs ~

~ Paris Catacombs ~

~ Paris Catacombs ~

~ Crossing the Seine ~

~ Centre Pompidou ~

~ Eiffel Tower ~

~ Climbing the Arc de Triomphe ~

~ Sunset from atop the Arc de Triomphe ~

~ View of Paris from the Arc ~

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