Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Trips: England

My longest trip during the recent vacation was a week spent in England, during which I tried to make the most of my first visit to the UK! I was in London for the majority of my stay, but I visited a few other cities as well.  One of these was Norwich, a city in the northeast, where I met up with my friend Lily who’s studying there this year. I was only in Norwich for a day, but I managed to see several sites and especially enjoyed the town’s market and castle.

Later in the week, I went to Bath for my second day trip.  Despite an unusual hurricane-like storm that disrupted travel the morning of my visit, I made it to the city and had a nice day exploring. Bath is beautiful: it’s located in a valley, with the river Avon flowing across the town and lovely Roman and neoclassical architecture throughout. The Roman baths were by far my favorite thing in the city—I’m awed by anything that old, and some of the pools and infrastructure are remarkably well preserved.

~ Norwich Castle ~

~ Norwich Market; Cathedral courtyard ~

~ View of the river in Norwich ~

~ Outside the Roman baths ~

~ Inside the baths ~

~ The Crescent; Royal Victoria Park ~

~ Pulteney Bridge and the River Avon ~

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