Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter in Saint-Quentin

Towns across France have been getting in the holiday spirit lately with Christmas music in every store and festive lights on every street.  I've been enjoying the Christmas markets (Marches de Noel) here -- I went to the markets in Nantes and Paris during my semester abroad, and this year I've visited those in Lille, Compiegne, and of course Saint-Quentin.

Maybe I'm biased, but I like the market in Saint-Quentin the best of all the ones I've visited. Like in other markets, there are many small chalets selling Christmas trinkets, food, and other items.  Here, though, there's less to buy and more to do: the market includes an ice skating rink, sledding hill, mini zoo, and a whole section of the square set up with snow-encrusted pine trees decorated with candy ornaments (very Willy Wonka-esque).

I've been to the market several times in the past few weeks with other assistants--we've enjoyed skating, sledding, and the occasional vin chaud (mulled wine) in the market's large and impressive tavern. I'll be sad to see the market go after vacation ends in January!

~ Christmas tree on the market's edge ~

~ Hotel de Ville seen through a ceiling of lights over the market ~

~ Crepes, waffles, and other chocolate treats ~

~ Candy-covered trees ~

~ Inside the heated tavern ~

~ Lights leading to the market ~

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