Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Welcome to my blog! Over the next seven months I'll be posting anecdotes and photos from my experiences living in France this year.

As part of the French government's TAPIF program, I have been placed in a French high school to be an English assistant for seven months. I've been in my town, Saint-Quentin, since last week and have been settling in over the past few days. Having arrived from the Washington, DC area (population: 5 million), I thought Saint-Quentin, with its 56,000 inhabitants, would be very small. I'm finding that it feels like a city, though, with a lovely downtown area and plenty of buses with routes all over the city.

So far my time has been taken up with various administrative tasks (always a big deal in French bureaucracy), traveling to Amiens for my program's orientation, and getting to know my school, the teachers I'll be working with, and other assistants. This weekend, I managed to take a break from my to-do list and wandered for a few hours, snapping some pictures of the city's central square as I went.

~ Sign pointing to my school: Lycee Pierre de la Ramee ~

~ Sleepy street on Sunday~

 ~ The Hotel de Ville: Saint-Quentin's town hall~

 ~ Garden area in the city center ~

~ Not sure what this is about, but he freaks me out a little~

~ A few bars/cafes ~

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