Friday, October 18, 2013

Vacances de Toussaint

This Saturday is the start of the first vacation of the school year (after only two weeks of teaching and three weeks since I got here). It’s the Vacances de Toussaint, which culminates in All Saints' Day on November 1st.

I have two trips planned over the next two weeks. The first is to Normandy, where I’ll spend a few days with a group of Saint-Quentin assistants. I’ve always wanted to visit the WWII sites there, and I expect it will be very interesting to see the landing beaches and learn more about D-Day.

For my second trip, I’m planning a weeklong visit to see a high school friend who’s getting her master's degree in England. I’ve never been to the UK before, and it’s on the top of my list of places to visit this year. We’ll start in Norwich and then make our way to London, which I’m especially excited about!

I’ll be sure to put up some posts from my trips when my vacation ends in November. In the meantime, I’ll wish everyone an early Happy Halloween, which is most unfortunately not celebrated in France.

~ My travel plans (Saint-Quentin in lower right) ~

(image credit:
*map from Google

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