Saturday, May 17, 2014

Catch up

I was incredibly busy during the final weeks of my stay in France, so I didn't have a chance to post updates. Here's a quick run down of some of the stuff I was up to!
  • Tour of the Jean Vilar Theater in Saint-Quentin
  • Assistant roast dinner
  • French Passover Seder
  • Last French conversation club
  • Going away party with one of my classes
  • Trip to Bordeaux with Haidee and Sarah
  • Family vacation to London, Rome, Pompeii, and Florence
  • Kate visiting Saint-Quentin
  • Saying goodbye to teachers and friends in Saint-Quentin
Here are a few photos that skim the surface of my April and May abroad:

~ Ceiling of Jean Vilar Theater ~

~ Roast dinner with Haidee, Sarah, and Katie ~

~ Day trip from Bordeaux to the Dune du Pilat ~

~ Miroir d'eau, Bordeaux ~

~ At Buckingham Palace with the fam ~

~ With Kate and Harry at Pompeii ~

~ Florence ~

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